Our Partners

Our Partners

Backing from the Anindilyakwa Land Council (ALC) Board of Directors is testament to the level of support we have from the communities across the Archipelago. Our local people are proud of what we are achieving. Funding from the ALC means we can work towards our Mission of being the best self-sustaining social enterprise, producing the most effective highest quality indigenous traditional recipes in Australia.

Funding from Groote Eylandt and Bickerton Island Enterprises (GEBIE) allows our program to continue impacting social outcomes for our local communities.

Together with GEBIE and Groote Eylandt Aboriginal Trust (GEAT), we offer real employment pathways for indigenous women, as well as a shared commitment to advocating for Warningakalina women’s voices in community affairs.

Bush Medijina is working closely with local company, GEMCO South32, to ensure a positive legacy on Groote Eylandt long after mining has ceased. We share a commitment to impacting social change across the archipelago; improving lives now, and for generations to come. Through our community partnership we are creating a better future for our Groote Eylandt communities

Logistically speaking, our location on a small island in the Gulf of Carpentaria creates many challenges. We are truly grateful for the support of Sea Swift, providing us with sponsored shipping, allowing us to maintain reasonable manufacturing and delivery costs for our customers.